

After reading about the devistating fires in Australia over the last few days, my spirits were brightened by this picture of a firefighter helping a little koala. The picture is so perfect.

Also making the news is Heart:
Nineteen-day-old ox ‘Heart,’ was born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead.

See it full size : Here
via: The D.U.C.K. man

Ok, I know, high school humor, but come on don’t tell me you didn’t laugh a little. I am a sucker for funny newspaper headlines.

OK, I do not like rats at all, some people may think this picture is cute, but I just find it creepy. It is a freaking rat, what is cute about a rat? It also looks like the person who shot this picture also placed the rat on some kind of bed. [...]


My 9 year old said it is a deerbuffalomouse
My 3 yeard old said it was a deercatbearzebra
What do you think?